Faith Can Move Mountains

“The heavens declare the glory of God”. If you were to ask my wife or friends what one of my favorite activities is, then they would likely tell you it is eating spicy food, telling others about Jesus, or going hiking! It is hard to believe that it has been over a year since I have been out of college. Upon reflecting on those days in my life, though, some of my favorite memories happened on Sawnee Mt. I remember the first time I went up by my self, I asked God to meet with me and to send my way someone to talk to about Jesus. When I reached the top, the sun was in the middle of setting, causing a a golden glow to shine over the valley below. As I was appreciating the sunset, I was able to connect with someone over it and point out how the view we were enjoying pointed to a creator! A few weeks later, we met up at the mt again to talk about Jesus and the Bible. A few days later, I got a call telling me that he had put his trust in Jesus as his savior!!! This news was amazing to me! Who would have thought that a random hiking trip would lead to someone being saved.

While I have some great memories at Sawnee Mt, my wife and I have recently made some great memories at Stone Mt Park. A couple of weeks ago, Tiffany and I visited Stone Mt to see the laser show that night. A few hours before the show, we decided to hike to the top. Before we started, we prayed for God to meet with us and to send us someone to share the Gospel with. When we got to the top, you could see a beautiful view of the sun setting in the valley and Atlanta in the distance. As we explored the peak, we came upon a group of people from a Brazilian church in Atlanta, GA. worshiping God through singing and teaching the Word of God. We were able to join in the singing along with many other people. What amazed me was that people of different backgrounds, different languages and different ethnicities were able to be united together to sing praise to God because of the boldness of a few people willing to share their faith with the world! This uniting of the brethren allowed for several conversations about Jesus to be had with non-believers coming from all over the world who might never have heard the Gospel otherwise!

Now you might be thinking that “these stories sound cool, but why should I care? How do they relate to my life?” In response, I would like to ask some questions of my own. Are you willing to show others that you are a follower of Jesus? Are you willing to freely worship God out in the open and risk embarrassment or persecution? I have personally seen examples of God using His creation and people willing to step out in faith to lead many people to Jesus. Are you willing to step out in faith to be used by God as well?